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Speech Therapy in Perth for Children & Adults

Following an initial assessment with one of our speech pathologists, long and short-term goals are determined to guide therapy, and allow us to monitor the effectiveness of an intervention.
Therapy goals are always established in collaboration with the parents, the school and the child (particularly for high school students).
It is vital that children understand and accept what they need to work on.
Therapy is evidenced-based and tailored for each specific student.
Therapists have a wide range of resources and techniques available to them, so the best course of action can be determined in the shortest amount of time.
The duration of therapy varies according to the type of problem each student presents with; some have simple speech sound errors that only take a few sessions to remediate while others have long-standing significant language and learning issues. These
children require consistent support throughout their school lives!
Weekly therapy sessions are usually recommended for maximum progress (particularly at the commencement of therapy) though fortnightly sessions are also available.
Therapy is conducted on a 1:1 basis and parents are more than welcome to observe (and participate sometimes!)
Speech therapy sessions are either:
30 minutes - $97
45 minutes - $133
60 minutes - $165

You can find more about our pricing on the Pricing & Rebates page.


Please note: Most ‘Extras’ Health Insurance cover Speech Pathology. Check with your individual health cover to find out the percentage of fee that is covered.

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You can read our Privacy Policy here.

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