Therapy Assistant and Student Clinic Program
Student Clinic Sessions
Fremantle Speech Pathology Services is proud to be partnered with Curtin and Edith Cowan Universities to offer speech therapy through our Student Clinic Service. The student clinic has been run successfully the past 4 years by 4th year Speech Pathology Students who are completing their final practicum before graduating.
The Curtin and ECU students have experience in assessment and treatment of speech, language, fluency (stuttering), and early literacy skills. Furthermore, they receive extra training throughout the placement from therapists specifically trained in the areas of early intervention, speech sound disorders, and literacy development including reading, spelling, and written expression.
The clinic is run on Thursdays at Fremantle Speech Pathology Services between 8am to 4pm. Each session is 45 minutes long at a highly reduced rate of $25 (usually $133). There is no additional cost for assessments or written documentation. As these sessions are integral to the 4th year Speech Pathology Students attaining the hours of practice necessary for graduation, we do require continued attendance for a 10 week block (1 full term).
The clinic is open to anyone from the age of 18 months to year 12.
Therapy Assistant Sessions
On completion of their university placements, students that demonstrate exceptional skills are offered a Therapy Assistant Position with the clinic on Saturdays.
These sessions are run entirely by the Speech Pathology students who have been trained in the common therapeutic areas of speech and language and also specific areas of literacy.
These sessions are $50 and run for 45 minutes.
Our standard 24-hour cancellation policy applies. ​
If you have a child who you believe would benefit from extra support to develop their speech language or literacy skills and would like more information about our Student Clinic or Therapy Assistant Services, please contact us.
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